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Thursday, May 28, 2009

TIPS::Do You Suck at Making Money Tools

Hi All...

Do you have a product, but your selling very few (if any) each month?

If so, check this out:

Don't worry - It can be hard, especially in today's economy.

The good news is that my favorite cartoon "Zoobie the Internet Marketing Newbie" cracked the code.

He figured out a way where you can actually make money GIVING away your products!

It's a VERY simple 3 step system.

1st) Figure out how much $ you want to make for every product you GIVE away
2nd) Give away the products
3rd) Get paid the amount you asked for EVERY TIME!
Yes, it's REALLY that simple!
For the next few days, Zoobie is actually going to GIVE you this product FREE, but he's only got 2,000 copies, and when they're gone, their gone.

Get yours 100% free here today:


P.S. Zoobie tried everything. Google repo-ed his computer, he almost took down eBay but NEVER made money until he stopped selling his products and started GIVING them away. Check it out here:

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